2022 - present

PwC | Senior Experience Designer

2021 - 2022

PwC | Salesforce Consultant


Wahl | Control System Designer

2018 - 2021

WIE University of Illinois | Course Designer


2017 - 2021

BS Systems Engineering and Design

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Highest Honors



Certified Administrator
Sales Cloud Consultant
Net Zero Cloud Consultant (Sustainability)
User Experience Designer Data Cloud Consultant AI Associate


SAFe 5 Scrum Master Certified Google UX Design Professional


figma | autodesk 3D modeling | technical drawing | genAI creative | rapid prototyping

my story.

Born in Venezuela to a Colombian mom and a Spanish dad, I grew up immersed in a tapestry of cultures and viewpoints.

As the eldest sister, I learned independence and free thinking early on, inspired by the endless possibilities of my dad’s hardware store and the beauty of Caracas.

After living in Puerto Rico and Chicago, my journey led me to New York – where I discovered a place that truly felt like home. Here, I've pursued my passion for intricate systems, materials, textures, and colors, constantly humbled by the complexity of our world and the incredible people within it.

While my academic path initially took me through the rigors of engineering school, where my analytical mind thrived, my creative soul craved more.

This led me to explore diverse fields such as industrial design, art history, entrepreneurship, philosophy, and negotiation — each enriching my understanding and fueling my thirst for knowledge and creativity.

It was in the world of design where I felt a profound sense of alignment and purpose. My experiences deeply influence my design choices, resulting in a style that feels like a warm hug – authentic, earthy, and timeless.

I find inspiration in movement, whether it's the freedom of running outside, the flow of a yoga practice, or the exhilaration of hanging from the ceilings in a trapeze. I approach each project with intention, ensuring it aligns with my values and passions.

Now, New York is my beloved home, where I am surrounded by a community I cherish and always accompanied by my loyal pup, Rocco, the German Shepherd I impulsively rescued – a story for another day.

Through my experiences, I have developed a deep fascination with the human experience and our collective responsibility in shaping the world. I am driven by the unwavering belief that everything in life is figureoutable.

I invite you to join me in embracing the unknown. Together, let's create a world where challenges are opportunities for growth, and where we can all take that leap and grow wings on our way down. One step at a time :)

Other things

I love

endless reading list

